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Coaching ¨C a disciplined process that integrates leadership and capability development into work at hand ¨C helps many companies address these issues.

WuDeLan Partners provides coaching and coaching training to companies. We

Develop strategies to introduce coaching into organizations. We help companies:
Align coaching to its executive developmentstrategy and ensure it supports business goals
Overview of coaching process

Integrate coaching into existing development initiatives (e.g., 360° feedback, development planning, leadership pipeline management)
Decide when to use internal coaches versus external coaches

Provide coaching training to help organizations develop a coaching culture
Internal coaches. A series of workshops focused on building coaching capabilities in individual and teams
Manager as coach. A program to help managers build skills in integrating coaching into their work and developing their people
Executive as coach. A program to help executives develop their management team


Coach individuals and teams
Coaching on presence¡¡
One-on-one coaching, specializing in change leaders and people in role transitions
Team development coaching, focusing on building a team¡¯s ability to collaborate to achieve specific goals
  ©2007 WuDeLan Partners Limited